Notes on the istream problem with VS2003, VS2005, VS2008 C++ here.

  • Parsing comand line arguments and configuration files.
  • Emacs syntax highlighting for GetPot files (getpot-mode).
  • Easy to install ! The whole library is contained in one single header file.
  • Easy to use ! Copy/paste all you need from example files.
  • Distributed under GNU MIT License.
  • While not directly linked to license requirements, the author would like this software not to be used for military purposes.

  • Downloads (C++, Java, Ruby, Python)
    Documentation (Online)
    Why GetPot
    War on GUI-ism
    Cool Stuff: Mode Oriented Lexical Analyser Generator

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    Disclaimer: The name 'GetPot' was chosen with pottery in mind, rather than less innocent consumer goods.